BWK Annika Khan- Rhodesian Ridgeback BWK Annika Khan- Rhodesian Ridgeback

BWK Annika Khan – Rhodesian Ridgeback

BWK Annika Khan – Rhodesian Ridgeback

BWK Annika Khan is a strong, athletic, and intelligent Rhodesian Ridgeback. She is mainly a South African-European bred female.

BWK Annika Khan- Rhodesian Ridgeback

Weighing in at 102 lbs, Annika is a young, lean female of 2 years and 4 months. Her long legs make her appear thinner than she is. She has a sleek athletic look which her physique carries quite well. And she is excellently toned and well muscled. Her coloring is a deep Red Wheaten and she has excellent confirmation and a gorgeous ridge.

Hemi- Rhodesian Ridgeback
Her sire is our very own “Hemi”. Strong and handsome.
Bella- a beautiful Rhodesian Ridgeback
Her dam is our beautiful Bella Z Star.

Annika has proven to be an excellent mom. She plays diligently with her pups and takes them on teaching-hunting jaunts. Annika is also very good at giving lots and lots of love to us and those around her. She is socializing her pups well and is sure to discipline them for incorrect actions.

BWK Annika Khan- Rhodesian Ridgeback

Aani, (as we lovingly call her), has more of her sires springy gait and conformation. Her dam, Bella has the thicker and rounder look. Aani’s littermates, from Hemi/Bella’s previous, and from Aani’s litter, range in the larger size. A couple of her brothers are 135-140 pounds at 2 years of age.

Bravehearts Farms has her full brother, Bravehearts Big Jake at stud and he is producing beautiful puppies. The older littermate female Baby de Fence, we kept for a brood also, and is close to 97 pounds.

Big Jake- Rhodesian Ridgeback

This particular Hemi/Bella cross has produced gorgeous ridges and crowns, height, weight and length along with beautiful personalities and great intelligence. God has blessed us with Aani as she is proving to be a great replacement female for her mama, Bella, in our stock of fantastic Ridgebacks.

OFA Testing

BWK Annika Khan has been OFA tested for hips and knees. Annika’s results are Hips-Good and Knees-Normal. Annika’s Wisdom Panel dNA testing came back all clear. No genetic problems of 181 tests and 5 specific for Ridgebacks.

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